This is the official mobile application for the city of Kanazawa, located in Ishikawa Prefecture. In this application, you can access news from the city of Kanazawa, such as notifications and event information . You can also use it to search for city-owned facilities and get directions, in addition to other functions. We hope you will take advantage of this application, which can be helpful to you whether you are a resident or tourist in Kanazawa.【Menu Instructions】(1)Facilities Search Useful for searching for places such as cultural facilities and evacuation sites, as well as for getting directions to those places. You can also search for facilities on a map, as well as by genre or keyword.(2)News Useful for browsing various news updates from the city of Kanazawa.(3)Events Useful for browsing event information from the city of Kanazawa.(4)Disaster Prevention Information and News Bulletin Weather advisories/warnings and disaster information.(5)Facebook Access to the city of Kanazawas official Facebook page .(6)Twitter Access to the city of Kanazawas official Twitter page.(7)YouTube Access to the city of Kanazawas official YouTube channel.(8)Directory Assistance Useful for checking the phone numbers of each division at Kanazawa City Hall.(9)Links Access to the city of Kanazawas smartphone website.